We’re here to help with any of your Lycoming engine repairs. From a prop strike, metal contamination or corrosion Inspection, to troubleshooting running issues, our experts will help you and get you back into the air. We dedicate our work to quickly determine what the engine needs and provide the best solution to get the engine running again.
As an engine repair facility, we are frequently asked for advice on how to handle engines that have experienced sudden stoppage or a propeller strike. Industry guidelines, such as those outlined in Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 475C, provide critical recommendations for addressing this issue. These guidelines emphasize that there may be hidden internal damage within the engine following such incidents. Based on past experience, we know that unseen damage from sudden stoppages or hard ground strikes has led to subsequent engine failures.
In some cases, engine failures have been traced back to an overstressed crankshaft gear dowel that eventually sheared, leading to total power loss. Because of this, compliance with the mandatory inspection and repair procedures specified in Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 475C and FAA AD Note 91-14-22 is required.
Additionally, prop strikes or sudden stoppages can overstress connecting rod bolts, which may fail shortly after the incident. A failed rod bolt can result in severe engine damage, with the potential for catastrophic failure and even fire.
After a prop strike or sudden stoppage, the incident must be documented in the engine’s logbook. Best practices dictate that the only safe course of action is to remove, disassemble, and thoroughly inspect the engine’s reciprocating and rotating components. This work should be performed by a qualified mechanic familiar with the specific issues that can arise from such incidents.
The engine spectrum includes:
Our specialists will contact you for details and clarification. We’ll be glad to help you find the service that best suits you!